So it's been a while eh! A lot has happened, more than I can write in one post.
Just wanted to share encounter today.
So I'm currently still living at Cheshire home and there is a virus going on so the management restrict residents from going out unless there is a valid reason. It's my off day so I wanted to go out but no reason so I decided to go to the Apple AMK because its a valid place because its technical my workplace too and I can get cheap quality food for dinner, so I told the staff nurse of my going and she approved it. I told her I needed to do something there, but it was an excuse to go out and I could lie and go elsewhere, so I decided to honour my going to go to Apple AMK. So I hung out at the cafeteria because I knew one of the staff there, Aunty Laura, and I was a bit early for the dinner meal wasn't ready. We chit chat a bit over a hot chocolate then her supervisor told her that she wanted to buy me dinner so when the time was right, aunty Laura brought me to the pasta section and told me to get it because it was a free meal so that's my gaint bowl of penne with tomato based with chicken bits and vegetables and homemade beef roll and grilled prawn!!! :)
It's a surreal experience because I decided to obey my words and the "do something" was to get a free meal! Praise God for the supernatural experience and the lesson learnt!
But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord ? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22
So I'm currently still living at Cheshire home and there is a virus going on so the management restrict residents from going out unless there is a valid reason. It's my off day so I wanted to go out but no reason so I decided to go to the Apple AMK because its a valid place because its technical my workplace too and I can get cheap quality food for dinner, so I told the staff nurse of my going and she approved it. I told her I needed to do something there, but it was an excuse to go out and I could lie and go elsewhere, so I decided to honour my going to go to Apple AMK. So I hung out at the cafeteria because I knew one of the staff there, Aunty Laura, and I was a bit early for the dinner meal wasn't ready. We chit chat a bit over a hot chocolate then her supervisor told her that she wanted to buy me dinner so when the time was right, aunty Laura brought me to the pasta section and told me to get it because it was a free meal so that's my gaint bowl of penne with tomato based with chicken bits and vegetables and homemade beef roll and grilled prawn!!! :)
It's a surreal experience because I decided to obey my words and the "do something" was to get a free meal! Praise God for the supernatural experience and the lesson learnt!
But Samuel replied: “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord ? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. 1 Samuel 15:22
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