greetings!! i will blog today. hehe~~ after a month of using Safari 3 beta, i found it hanging often... It's not good at all... i'm going back safari 2 browser.... things are good, but nothing interesting to blog, i guess... hehe... i do Thank God for every moment of freedom i have... hahaha... =)
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
hey pals... yes yes good good, i was in hong kong for my friend's wedding... it was an experience to face a chinese dinner starting at 9+pm, but i had fun fun... hehehe.. I met up with my friends in hk from my fellowship in england, we had fun together. I seem to get more familiar with the roads in hk coz this round i was traveling alone in the daytime coz my friends had to work, but it was an adventure for me to explore it myself with little or much cantonese i know... haha... it's all God... =)

Thursday, October 04, 2007
oh i getting this far in life is a miracle in itself and ALL glory goes to God lor.... and i'm looking forward to greater works in my life with and through Him!! hahaha..... =)
hey yo!! super good news... i've got an interview with SIM university to be a Associate Lecturer/Tutor probably in electronics!! Hallelujah!! Praise God!! after a long while of silence, i got one!! i'm feeling good!!! As part of the interview, i have to give a presentation on "Your area of expertise (Electronics) to present to undergraduates" In my presentation, i should try to engage my students who are part-time adult learners, and probably very tired after their work. oh dear, i'm working on it... On another note, i found more courage after cell that whether i get the job or don't get it, glory still goes to God, though it's hard to surrender God is still the constant one in my life!!! amen!! Now i need inspiration on how and what to present.... hehehe =)