Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Greetings!! have you watch the movie 'Green Mile'??? oh my goodness, what a movie?!?!? too much to comment about it, but it leaves you thinking... too surreal lor!! But anyway, my weekend was all about eating and talking, absolutely great leh!! i had seafood, italian, Mcdonalds, dim sum..... solid as a rock!!! on saturday, i was hanging out with the hongkong folks of the fellowship, 110% cantonese conversations.... wah say man!! I'm becoming so educated in cantonese.... hai ar!! hehe =)
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Hiya you and me!! snow is always good, it's just not a lot of it even though it snowed for few hours. Shiok leh!! everything is white pure... what a comfortable feeling. but but traveling in it is not nice at all, taking careful steps and slow traffic. well there's pros and cons, but i still do enjoy every moment of it.. Thank God!! =)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
hello hello!! There are three verse that i always go to; proverbs 3:5,6 psalms 37:4 proverbs 16:3. Recently, actually over the weekend i needed something to be done from God, but God taught me a lesson by not granting me as it was Me first, so i was disappointed and give the whole matter to God, not my will be done but Yours alone. As i began to delight in the Lord i didn't really matter about the thingy much, and guess what.... HE GRANTED THE DESIRE OF MY HEART with even better than i originally wanted. ha!! so if you're seeking something rememeber, "Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4... God is so good, amen!! hehehe =)
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Just for more interest, let you have a picture of what i'm up to... hope it's fine with you..

farewell time for someone in the Guildford Chinese Christian Fellowship... Can you spot me??? hehehe..

Leeds Castle in lovely England

My friend's birthday dinner

my uni's Chinese New Year dinner... photographer disturbing me coz i was sitting with all girls....

farewell time for someone in the Guildford Chinese Christian Fellowship... Can you spot me??? hehehe..

Leeds Castle in lovely England

My friend's birthday dinner

my uni's Chinese New Year dinner... photographer disturbing me coz i was sitting with all girls....
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Dear Ladys and Gentlemen!! Happy Valentine's Day!! hmmm... let me show you something, 'This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.' 1 John 4:10. hehehe =)
Saturday, February 11, 2006
heelo!! ok, i got mood to blog. hehehe... so i've been busy with the christian union events week a.k.a. missions week, it is a time where they'll have lunch time talks and evening talks on christianity.. Glad to say it went so well, there were good responses from people coming. it was a chance to work along side the christian union and form stronger bonds together for a bigger goal! the week was quite tireding have to admit it. hehehe.. not sure if anyone is reading this, but don't know what to say. it's very very quiet in my room. not sure what else to do. i wish i was in singapore eating supper now. Tomorrow, i probably have to lead a prayer meeting, have to remember that 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the LORD!! i pray for ACT 2 to come upon the people, it'll be awesome to see that movement of the Spirit once again. anyways, how are you?? hmmm... "But eagerly desire the greater gifts." 1 Cor 12:31 Yes, I do!! what else to write ar?? i know lah, God Bless YOU!!! hehehe.. ciao.. =)