Friday, November 29, 2002
only few more hours before i'll be in London.............and counting down.........i can't wait to get out of this place, Guildford..hahahahahahahaha
hi all!!!! only 12 days to my exams.........argh!!!!!!! but actually, i'm not that frighten so much, coz the seniors say that just do past year paper can already..... The exams papers are all recycled but only the numbers are changed, but the format is the same......Actually, my course hasn't change much donkey years, so all you have to do is borrow your seniors work that's all........hehehehehehehehehehehehehe........
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
Hiya!!!!! how's are you guys????? I've been "busy" studying for my exams in one and a half weeks time, but besides studying i'm going to london this weekend for one main thing...........Guess?? :-)
Sunday, November 24, 2002
Due to the fireman's strike, i couldn't study at my department's common room, so my friends studied at the Teaching Block of my School( It's a block where they conduct tutorial). I studied for six hours there, then when for Bible Study with the Chinese Christian Fellowship (don't worry, they speak english) and now i'm going to study sleeping. Today's theme is STUDYING..... hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.......big joke.
Thursday, November 21, 2002
i think all you to be blamed. now, i'm always think of what to write on my got me hooked!!!!!!!!! that's cool man!
Today, i was invited to have dinner with my other singaporean friends..... we had a cool time talking rubbish, i met one of Tessa's friend (K.C)....small world man....oh yah, we were talking about Food, food, food in Singapore.......... I love food!!!! At this stage, i'll eat anything and everything, so long as it's eatable food, i'm there.... heheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehe
Today, i was invited to have dinner with my other singaporean friends..... we had a cool time talking rubbish, i met one of Tessa's friend (K.C)....small world man....oh yah, we were talking about Food, food, food in Singapore.......... I love food!!!! At this stage, i'll eat anything and everything, so long as it's eatable food, i'm there.... heheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheheheheheheehehehehehehehehe
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Yo Yo Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the weather today is so deceiving, i woke up this mourning and saw that it was a nice and sunny day, but.................when i walked out of my flat, it was freezing, i was blowing smoke the whole day.... It was actual quite cool to blow smoke in the cold.......i like!!!!! Oh yes!!! do remember me in your prayers, my exams are coming soon....
9 Dec - Engineering Mathematics
10 Dec - Telecommunication
17 Dec - Instrumentation
19 Dec - Conventional Computer Architecture
20 Dec onwards - Slacking (important exam)
Pray for wisdom and understanding each time when i study, i'll know what i'm studying.....something like that.....
9 Dec - Engineering Mathematics
10 Dec - Telecommunication
17 Dec - Instrumentation
19 Dec - Conventional Computer Architecture
20 Dec onwards - Slacking (important exam)
Pray for wisdom and understanding each time when i study, i'll know what i'm studying.....something like that.....
Sunday, November 17, 2002
hi there!!!!!! Today i decided to walk beyond the town canter just take look what's there to see.... and then..... suddenly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw a thai supermarket!!!!!!! A HOPEFUL PRAYER ABOUT TO BE ANSWER......The mini-supermarket sold the basic FOOD stuff i need to stay in this small town... It sold Milo, maggie mee(Yes, it's true), local can food (the type you find in provision shops at home), many types of chilli sauses, and blah blah blah.........SHiok!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!hehehehehehehe.
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Now all i need is a digital camera.....................hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahahahahahaha =)

My departure photo. on 10 September 2002..Where's joe????? hahahahahahahahahahahahaha..... i finally know how to upload photos...Thanks John and Milton!!!!!
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
Hi folks!!!!! i thought that today i had cell group and was looking forward to it, but when i went to the place, there was no body there and learn that it was cancelled....*sigh*.... si bei sian man!!!!!! nothing to do.... no orchard road to go to, no hokien mee or beef hor fun or mee pok or char kuay teow or chicken rice or tender fresh or satay chicken rice or beef noodles or roti john and the list goes on to eat.....but i'm patient guy, i can wait,onward summer 2003!!!!!!!!!....all of you better enjoy your time in Singapore, or else.........hehehehehehehehehe = )
Shiok man!!!!!!just finish my last experiment for this term........i got an average of B, which i didn't expect... Praise GOD!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Good day mates!!!!!!!! i'm so busy project report lah, prepare experiment for tommorrow......many yah, wo ai koon liao loh.........
Monday, November 11, 2002
HAHAHA!!!!!!!! I just came back from london.... I'm a so contented person now.......going to go for church service................So much to say, so little time to type....
Friday, November 08, 2002
Hello!!!!!!! Today is the day i'll go London for the weekend...... This is so good man!!!!!!!! I Love going to London.......... so much to see and do.......shiok ah!due to the popularly demands my only contact is my email is!!!!!!
Praise God that in his pressence there is fullness of Joy!!!!!! Tonight,when i went for the christian union meeting, i was quite heavy burden with work, but the end of the meeting i felt refresh and recharge to face ANYTHING.......hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.....Thank God!!!!! i'm so happy, coz there are a lot of up coming events that are super very HAPPENning, like worship conferences, GIGs, FESTIVALs..... I love UK for it's happening events!!!!!!!! but.............I the citizen of Singapore, pledge myself as one united person, regardless of gigs, conferences and festivals in the UK, so as to be a loyal support of sonic edges, local music, blah, blah, blah...................hahahahahahahhahaaahahahahaha.........
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
hi!!!!! it's tuesday.... Every tuesday i have lab project or experiment for six hours..... this is the only day that is very very stressful and tieding, on top of that i have a lecture after the lab........ But there is cell group to lift me up!!!! Praise God for cell group!!! this cell group is part of the christian union of my uni....
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
Praise God for a Beautiful Day!!!!!!!!! I've received my box my family sent me.... It had a lot of things i needed or wanted..... i was so happy to receive it so quickly, as my father send it on last thursday and said that it would take one week for it to arrive, but it came today!!!!!!!!!!! I have my CD collection (most of them is burned it), Milo ( it's marvelous what milo can do for you......), MD player ( important for bootleging), some stationary, prawn crackers (shiok man), pork floss ( i make my version of bread talk), Sweet meat from Bee Cheng Hiang ( what else can i say about this heavenly food), my winter jacket, and some containers.......... My goodness how contented i am.... Praise God that the Stuffs.......hahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahaha...... oh yah... and for the many people that come to my blog.... A big HELLO goes out to you...
BTW........did i tell anyone that The Juliana Theory is coming to UK and to London on 29 Nov...... and you guess it, i'll be going to watch, bootleg, take photos, and autographs.... chance of a lifetime..........hehehehheehe
BTW........did i tell anyone that The Juliana Theory is coming to UK and to London on 29 Nov...... and you guess it, i'll be going to watch, bootleg, take photos, and autographs.... chance of a lifetime..........hehehehheehe
Sunday, November 03, 2002
I just came back from a weekend away with the christian union at a Church, Hammer, Haslemere...The place was very scenic, beautiful houses and a small but cute town .....It's about thirty minutes away from my uni...... It's was worth going....the team was on the Holy Spirit: Power to live what we believe.. We had two guest speakers from Fusion ( some christian network).... Most of the people here have seldom hear about preaching about speaking in tongues..... So the speakers prayed for thoughs who want this gift. It was good............. I'm tied now. ciao.
Friday, November 01, 2002
Today is Holloween and i saw a lot of people celebrating this day.i experience for the first time live, many funny people in funny outfits doing funny things.......why?! i don't understand......trick and treat??? L A M E.........................
Today............... i woke up to the sound of the fire alarm at 8am.........and when back to sleep coz i thought was a false alarm, but a guy opened my locked door and chase me out saying this was a fire drill.....Wah Lau!!!!! But i found it quite funny, coz some people just came out still in they're sleeping clothes.