Hihihi!!! not sure if anyone read this, but i'm still going to type this... over the past few days has been quite eventful, i celebrated National Day at home, felt quite proud to be Singaporean at that day, then on thursday, I went to the Zoo!!! Shiok leh!! did lots of walking, saw of many animals, it's still a happening place to bring tourist, so much things to do, minimum time to be at the zoo is six hours... It brings the kid in you!! hehehehe... then it was the weekend, i attended my friend's wedding, i was quite poorly by that time, so i didn't talk to many people even though i know lots of them.. it was weird to see many of them wearing suits with vans or converse shoes... stylo milo man~~~ Yesterday i went for the 赞美之泉 worship, it was awesome, the place was packed with mandarin worshipers about 2000+!! They are really good; the lyrics, music, the people too... Really simple and meaningful... God is really using their worship to touch lives!! God is awesomely good!! I also bought their new CDs, will approve my mandarin... hehehehe =)
haha u mean improve ur mandarin eh? :)
Unknown, At
4:25 PM
Aaron, remeber your mandarin lesson oh. Can you still read Psalm 23?????
REALLY want to be there for 赞美之泉!! Blessed guy! Eat a lot oh.
Rachel, At
7:51 AM
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