How To Decide????????how how how
Today, i went to topman to check it out for fun, but i saw the jeans that i've always wanted ( i always go in the shop to admire the jeans)..... ok, it's a dark blue levis engineers jeans, normally, the price is 55 pounds (about 150 sing dollars), but topman is having final clearance sale and it's selling for 30 pounds( about 80 something sing dollars).. .. To buy or not to??? I'll sleep over it and if it's still there, that's it.............. i'll buy it, my sign to buy it. hahahahahahahahababababbabababababababa...........=)
Today, i went to topman to check it out for fun, but i saw the jeans that i've always wanted ( i always go in the shop to admire the jeans)..... ok, it's a dark blue levis engineers jeans, normally, the price is 55 pounds (about 150 sing dollars), but topman is having final clearance sale and it's selling for 30 pounds( about 80 something sing dollars).. .. To buy or not to??? I'll sleep over it and if it's still there, that's it.............. i'll buy it, my sign to buy it. hahahahahahahahababababbabababababababa...........=)
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